Give Your Gums A Refreshing Workout with Fuzzy Brush

Fuzzy brushes are chewable toothbrushes devised with the help of dentists to provide a convenient alternative to cleaning your teeth with traditional toothbrush and toothpaste. They come in handy re-sealable packets and can be used discreetly at any point during the day when you feel your teeth need cleaning, or your mouth could use freshening up. They can be used anywhere and do not require the use of water or toothpaste.
How do fuzzy brushes work?
They work a little like chewing gum: once you put one in your mouth use your teeth to move it backward and forward over the surface of your teeth, while your tongue moves it around your mouth to make sure all parts of it are cleaned. The bristles remove debris and plaque from your teeth while massaging your gums. And with several flavors to choose from, it is a pleasure to use them.
Benefits of Xylitol
Fuzzy brush contains 95% Xylitol, a sugar alcohol naturally occurring in many fruits and some vegetables. Xylitol has been scientifically proven to kill harmful mouth bacteria, by raising the acidic pH of dental plaque, and it can even restore dental enamel.
When consumed regularly, Xylitol will neutralize bad bacteria by preventing it from using sugar and other carbohydrates as its source of food, essentially starving it to death, while at the same time promoting the growth of helpful, good, mouth bacteria.
In this new pH neutral environment created by regular consumption of at least 6.5 grams of Xylitol daily, the health of your mouth will see a dramatic improvement. Tooth decay will slow down, sensitivity of the teeth will improve and pain and discomfort when eating hot or cold foods will subside, and most importantly gum disease (gingivitis) will improve.
Healthy Gums
The health of your mouth is more than how straight or white your teeth are, gum disease is often overlooked as it is largely painless in the early stages, however, in its advanced stage it can cause a lot of pain, and in extreme cases, it can also cause you to lose your teeth. Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease; it can cause your gums to be sore, swollen, inflamed and often bleed. It is caused primarily by sticky plaque deposits along or under the gum line. The good news is that gingivitis is completely reversible and, using fuzzy brushes inhibits the formation of sticky plaque and can, therefore, reverse your gingivitis and help you to prevent further oral health problems.
Fuzzy Rocks
Another weapon in your fight against gum disease or just a daily treat for your teeth and gums are Fuzzy Rocks, the newest products from the makers of Fuzzy Brush. Made from Xylitol crystals, they are a brand-new version of breath mints that not only refresh your breath but keep your teeth and gums feeling clean too.
They come in cool mint, extra strong, lemon and bubblegum flavors that will appeal to both adults and children, and their re-sealable pouch make them ideal to take with you to work, school or after-school clubs and activities.

Using fuzzy brushes and fuzzy rocks regularly, over several months, will give treat your gums and teeth to a whole new level of clean!

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